The OnixBLUE is our latest SIGNATURE COLOR. Recently launched to represent character and style portrayed in our OnixGRIP brand.
The OnixMAX offers you the same features of the OnixSOLO ring function, but with the added benefits of holding the MAXimum amount of cards on the market, up to 6, compared to any other type of product. The OnixCLIP adds the ability to remove, swap, and wirelessly charge.
Key features of the OnixMAX:
- RFID blocking protects the sensitive information of today's credit cards.
- Lightweight aluminum design, just under 3 oz.
- The comfortable design makes holding your cell phone even more secure.
- An anodizing technique is used to ensure that colors will never fade.
- Cards will never fall out, whether you have 1 or 3 or 6 cards.
- The slide lever on the bottom ejects the cards when slid to the right.
- Able to withstand being dropped from 4 feet, will not break apart.
- NEVER FORCE THE CARDS in the wallet. It CAN hold UP TO 6 cards.
Please Note: If it is hard to push the cards in the wallet, it will be hard to push the cards out.
What comes with the OnixMAX?
Swapping Plate (comes already attached)
Mounting cookie with 3M VHB adhesive (attached)
Installation cookie template (provides easy 1 step installation)
2 Additional resistance metal plates (use as needed to increase tension)
1 Additional cookie adhesive for 2nd use

Dynamic Promotions, Inc. is the manufacturer and distributor of the OnixGRIP line of products. We are committed to providing outstanding and innovative cell phone accessories at a great value and we stand behind every purchase with our UNCONDITIONAL 100% GUARANTEE.
Should your original product purchase ever become damaged or defective in any way, we will gladly replace your product. You must be ready to provide a photo or short video of the damaged product to back up your broken claim. To begin the process please follow these steps:
Step 1: Click here to Register for your Guarantee.
Step 2: Upon completion of your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with additional directions.
Step 3: Submit an email to support@onixgrip.com and attach a photo/video for proof of the broken item to request a replacement. Please include your full name and shipping address.
Your image or video will be reviewed by our support team in the order it was received. Upon approval you will receive an email with instruction on how to replace your item (which will include a grand total of $9.99 shipping and handling for SOLO Ring & EDGE Replacements and $12.99 shipping & handling for DUO & MAX Replacements*).
Please Note:
If a product is defective and breaks within 30 days of purchase, we will waive the shipping and handling fee. Proof of purchase is also required. Upload your receipt for approval.
The guarantee is for a one time replacement for the original purchase of your product, not to be used continuously on an item that has already been replaced.
Shipping & Handling will increase for international shipments.
*Replacement shipping & handling fees are subject to change without notice.